Fort Collins Comic Con 2024: Friday

Friday was the opening day of the con with registration opening at 3pm. The line wasn't to bad to pick up badges, but the timing was tight since opening ceremonies started at 3:15pm. Since I had gotten there too early I went across the street to grab food. That was one of the nice things about this location, was that it was super close to a variety of food. Parking was a little short, but there was also some shady places if you got lucky. 
Dr. Erin Macdonald was the first guest speaker. One of the things she spoke on was the Scully effect. What this is, is the impact that the character of Scully from the X-Files had on women wanting to get into science related positions. I will admit that this is very cool, but I think the influence is more complicated then that. Personally I didn't really see Scully as a positive role model because she was too skeptical and was not open minded. For me I was more pulled into science by Lucas Wolenczak, from SeaQuest, because it showed the impact that even a young person could have on science. For me thinking about having the ability to do something or not based on gender was never a question. I didn't need someone to be a woman for them to inspire me as a woman. I have always just personally struggled with the Scully effect, but it was interesting to hear it talked about.
The next speaker at opening ceremonies was Governor Jared Polis. I was surprised that he actually showed up in person since he has a very busy schedule and normally it is recordings or digital meetings with him. He did let his geek flag fly a little and admitted to playing video games. Personally I think it would have been nice for him to take the weekend off of normal governmental work and let him just attend the con as a guest.
At the end of opening ceremonies they called for all of the cosplayers to come down to take pictures with the Governor.

After this things quickly died and people were leaving right and left. They just didn't have enough things to do. There was only one cosplay panel, the Ghostbusters escape room preview, and then movie rooms. Friday didn't even have any dealer room hours. Overall, Friday was kind of disappointing. I would hope for next year that they beef up their programming and have dealer room hours. 
This was one of the video rooms after opening ceremonies and you can see how empty it was. People were just leaving instead of sticking around to socialize. I would say that one of the movies playing is in my top 15 movies, bonus points if you can tell what it is from the picture, but watching it wasn't worth sticking around. It would have been cool if they would have had some officials hecklers or something to make it more engaging, think like a Rocky Picture Horror Show type of viewing.

This was the Ghostbusters escape room a little more set up. There was actually a lot of Ghostbuster stuff around to the point where the con seemed to be Ghostbusters themed above all else. After opening ceremonies I sat down to try and upload some videos in a sitting area across from the registration desk. I ended up having to move when they took the furniture away to make room for the Ghostbusters table. This was sad because this con really did need more sitting areas and instead of just moving the furniture to a different area, it went up into storage. This is the kind of things I look out for at cons since sitting areas are important for people with disabilities, older con goers, and families. It gives them a place to rest which is super important to many different groups of people.

There was no shortage of cosplayers on Friday and here are a few for you to check out.
This was actually one of the cosplay special guests: Sarah Starlight.

This one had me shouting Blucifer to get their attention. This was actually one of my favorite cosplays because of how much it represents Colorado.

