NDK 2023: Getting Ready
It's that time again!!! NDK is here this weekend (9/4-9/6). I have been attending this con since the early 2000s and have seen it grow over the years. This is currently the largest anime con in Colorado. So let's take a look at what you need to know.
Single day tickets will cost you $35-45 and the whole weekend will be $65. https://ndkdenver.org/registration/
The mask requirement is gone. One thing though, please do not make fun of people that are still wearing masks. Some, like myself have health issues and still need to mask in situations like this where there is a lot of people. Just treat each other with respect and all will be good.
Schedule and Events
If you want a little laugh check out their website where they talk about the cosplay rules. The cat photo made me laugh. https://ndkdenver.org/policies/costumes/
The Hotel/Food
I keep hoping that NDK will move to another location. This hotel has been a mess for every event I have gone to there not to mention the collapse that happened in their pool that the videos went viral. This hotel and the owners just dose not take running the hotel seriously so be prepared for disappointment.
Right now for 8+ hours parking is going to cost you $30 a day. There is also not good public transportation in the area to help offset this cost and in the past the hotel has even over charged con attendees for parking. They also do not have a lot of parking and parking in the nearby areas can land you getting towed. To be truthful I would recommend taking an Uber (or the like) if you can not carpool.
Bring your own water. This hotel has not been good in the past with doing water stations and has even had the water fountains broke. Also they charge an arm and a leg for liquids. Then their little shops also close early which will cut off your access to quick drinks.
This hotel was built in a bad location in a food desert. If you want cheap food you wile have a hike of about 1.8 miles. Yes, that is a long way. The food at the hotel is expensive and sucks. Last year I had to throw away $50 worth of food because of just how bad it smelled, it also didn't help that even if I could have ate it that they only gave you a half bowl of slop. I know this is an anime con, but avoid the Asian restaurant at the hotel, it is the worst of the restaurants there. If you can I recommend bringing your own food and either keep it in your room or car. If not expect to pay high prices for low quality and small portions. Last year NDK had a small area near registration with food that helped, and it looks like they will have it again this year. There should also be food trucks, but at current food truck prices be ready to pay $17-$30 a meal at the food trucks.
All Cons
Make sure to eat, drink, shower, and take care of yourself during the con. Wear good shoes because this place is massive.
For more info on the con check out their website: https://ndkdenver.org/
Looking forward to seeing everyone there this year.
Top Picture From: https://ndkdenver.org/
NDK Cafeteria Picture From: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=689140353258500&set=pcb.689140393258496
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