Colorado Anime Fest 2023: Food

Usually at cons I just know that I'm going to eat bad, but at this con my health has recently tanked and I'm having to be super careful about what I eat. At the same time eating in general is a pain now with the new restrictions I have and with the con factor it's extra hard since there is just not enough "healthy" options. 


For Friday after 12pm this was the only food I was able to get. Between running around at the con I was able to get over to the nearby Wendy's. This is their southwest salad with diet Dr. Pepper. The salad dressing that came with it only had 3 grams of sugar in it so I didn't feel too bad about using it. The salad was a good size for the price. At the same time I was still hungry after eating it. Trying to do a con hungry is not fun.


Why is it that the most common breakfast foods are so high in either carbs or sugar... At least the hotel had some food options... I say some because when I now have to combine different health and food issues what I could eat for one thing I can't for a different reason.

At least I was able to find this container of eggs I could eat alone with a large black coffee. Lost of cholesterol, but with the limited breakfast options in the little coffee shop you make due with what you can. I added a little salt to them....well, a lot of salt because that was the only seasoning that they had on the counter. I was able to only get one little packet of pepper in the silverware I got.

For lunch this was one of the options on the hotel's restaurant's menu. It went with a diet Pepsi. They were ok and once again still hungry. Trying to eat health at a con is not fun. I'm used to being able to eat carbs which help to feel me up, but this con is just being consumed by hunger.

Finally found a snack I could eat in the gift shop. The whole bag only had 2g carbs and zero sugar. Even though those were good it had 320 calories and 740mg salt. It seems when you trade in some bad things in foods you have to replace them with other bad things. I'm a huge fan of parmesan, even been known to just chew on a block of it, and these had a really good parmesan flavor. It was actually really hard for me not to eat them all at once. They didn't get rid of the hunger, but helped take off the sharp edge of it.


Today I had to cheat a little on what I ate since we had the press breakfast. I was good and only grabbed one even though I was hungry and it didn't fill me up. This came from Panara and I think it's their version of a bear claw. It had a good almond taste.

Lunch today was another salad from Wendy's. This time I tried the chicken Caeser salad. It wasn't as good as the southwest salad, and it also did not really feel me up. I got a diet Dr. Pepper again to go with it.

Finally for dinner we were able to get some real food to celebrate the end of another con.

We got hot pot and I was able to get all the meat I wanted, but I still had to be careful on the veggies. No potatoes or yams. As I go through this health process I have a feeling that trying to eat during cons will continue to be a challenge and con season is just starting back up.
