Bunny Mask Tales (Free Comic Book Day 2022)

When trying to decide on what comic book to cover for this month I found this one and thought it would be a good one to start off the year with since we are moving into the year of the rabbit. I think that the creators of this had wanted it to be a bit of a psychological thriller, but it ends up being a bit boring. This comic was part of three different stories, separated by different art styles, that circle around this bunny girl demon like thing.

Of the 3 stories the second one has the best art work. The 1st and the last story had an art style very similar to the Walking Dead, and I'm not a fan of that art style because it looks rough/unfinished. 

For the stories I felt that the last story didn't fit in with the first two. The bunny in the first two was focused on killing the diseased people in the world with a focus on mentally ill like stockers and wife abusers. In the third story the bunny turns and seems wanting to help her target by killing the cancer inside of her which seems like a way to help her target, but at the same time with how the left you hanging she could just has easily been going to kill the woman to put her out of her pain.

This comic just did not grab my interest because there was no real character development and it just seemed like they left out things that may have pulled readers in. Like in the first story the guy wakes up with her perching on his chest and yet he doesn't seem surprised to wake up like that. It makes readers feel like there is something important there missing, but not enough to make them care. 2 stars out of 5 or a D.
