Gina Carano At 'IT' Again

So yesterday Fan Expo announced that they would be having Gina Carano there and the backlash started. Some people on Facebook are saying that they can't find what she has done so I'm writing this so I can put so resources together for people who don't want to do a google dive on her.

The question "How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?" shows how disconnected she is from the topic. There is a major difference between a religion and a political view. Politics are commonly used as a weapon to target religion or people having no religion. The whole point of what the Nazis did was that they used their political views to target and hurt people. Others feared also being targeted for being linked to them and that is why their neighbors turned on them. They didn't want to be linked to that religion. What happened during this time frame is just a small snap shot of the violence that the Jewish people have experienced over centuries. Our country was founded on the belief that everyone has a right to certain things and the practice of religion is one. One key part of this is also the impact that her post had on people that identify as Jewish.

That is the problem with her, she does not understand the negative impact her words and actions have on people. What she does is hurtful and the above response is just an example of a person that was hurt by her words and lack of understanding. Words have impact and because of how public she is her words can hurt many. I actually recommend people read Dave Weber or see a presentation by him on the impact of words. 

Unfortunately, right now in our country politics are once again being used to justify attacking people for their race/ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, and basic control over their body. All of this is mostly coming from a group of people that share a political view. This view has become linked to hate and stripping people of their basic rights like religion or their own body. The reason she lost her job was due to her openly supporting hateful political views and not even understanding the difference between how horrible it is to attack someone for their religion vs. people with political views that cause harm to others.

This is just one of the many things she has done. She has been a part of spreading misinformation about covid, supporting conspiracy theories, and the latest is blaming the war in Ukraine on Covid. Oddly enough this one also shows that she doesn't understand history in that situation either. Her main thing is mocking or making fun of people or situations she does not understand. Mocking is a form of hate and her posts should count as hate speech. This is because of the impact it has on people. 

Many of these articles include her posts if you do not want to go digging through her social media to find them.

This article actually sums up a lot of what she has done: This one goes into how she supported the 'rigged' election theory band wagon. There still is no proof (evidence) of mass issues with our voting system. 

"Gina Carano is off 'The Mandalorian' over 'abhorrent and unacceptable' social media posts, Lucasfilm says"- This one also talks about her support of Trump. The interesting part of this article is that it covers how she will delete her posts once she starts to get a backlashing for them. This is actually part of the problem of why people can not find her stuff directly. She hides the evidence. 

This recent post shows how she already is ignoring the history that Trump played a part in what happened during covid. He was in charge when it broke out and did start the vaccine research push. I will give him credit for that, but he was part of the government's response to covid. I know that she was trying to attack the Democrats with this post, but it turns out that she is actually attacking her party as well. This is just part of how she uses selective memory to try and support twisted ideas.

"Gina Carano Continues to Share COVID-19 Conspiracy Posts on Twitter"-

"Gina Carano Tweet Blasts FAD Over COVID Child Vaccination Decision"- Vaccines have history of helping people. It was actually FDR's push for polio research and vaccination that it does not run through our population destroying lives like it used to. Her lack of understanding how vaccines can save lives and improve people's quality of life shows in her posts.

"Gina Carano believes the Ukraine invasion was caused by 'COVID narrative'"- This one shows how she doesn't even care to research the war before she throws her political views into it. This war was actually a long time in the coming. The whole region has been unstably both politically and socially. By her just focusing on a covid link she is diminishing Russia's history in the region and all of the people they have killed just because they want more power. Seeing bodies in the street doesn't seem to move her to understand how big this issue is. She just used the war to support her own covid rhetoric.

This is actually a phone screen shot that I took of her Facebook page that shows that she is starting to be held accountable for posting false information. This was also just a few months ago on 2/9/22 which is after the whole Disney stuff. This shows that she just keeps up the bad behavior and dose not learn from her mistakes.

These are just a few of the many articles and posts by her. It is not just one thing with her. She keeps poking people with a stick in the form of her actions and posts. This is why people do not want her at the convention. She does not care about the hurt she causes and is not willing to truly learn about the impact she has or the subjects she speaks about.

Picture 1 from:

Picture 2 from:

Picture 3 from:

4/11/22: Ever since I have been vocal about openly protesting her presence at Fan Expo I have been personally attacked by her fans instead of them addressing the issues around her actions. This proves that Fan Expo inviting her has stopped Fan Expo from being a safe environment for everyone. Below is a message from Facebook showing that they had to remove one of these comments due to it breaking their rules.

4/13/22: I just found out that she is also getting push back from people in her home town of Dallas that don't want her there. The link to the article is: 
Just some of the complaints from people that don't want her at Dallas con either.

4/18/22: "Fans Are Fuming Because Fan Expo Dallas Booked Ex Mandalorian Star Gina Carano"- Another article showing that even back home people are not happy with her.

4/20/22: Here's an example of a violent threat that I was exposed to today by one of her fans.

4/22/22: "The Shomer: Did Fan Expo Denver Book a Bigot to Sell Tickets?" Here's another article that shows that Fan Expo just keeps saying the same things instead of actually taking the steps need to correct their mistake. In a way they are very much acting like Gina. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions while saying the same things over and over again in the hopes that people will believe them. Guess what Fan Expo? We're not buying it and it looks like if Fan Expo keeps this up they will be removed from many people's con list. Just losing more business then Fan Expo would get from one D list star. Fan Expo has betrayed so many people with these actions its just sad and disappointing.

For more specific examples of her posts check out our other article: 

Below are additional articles to help people to understand the larger issues about how words impact people and just how bad what she continues to do is.

5/1/22: The timing of this article I think is important because it is a famous star that understands the power of her words. "Selena Gomez Launches 'Your Words Matter' Mental Health Campaign With Rare Beauty"

"Microaggressions: How and why do they impact health?"-

Examples of fans being impacted by her being there:

5/2/22: This is also one of the best come backs I have seen from someone pointing out why Gina shouldn't be at any con:
