February 2022 Geek News

2/3/22: "Spider-Man fans criticize Dakota Johnson's reported Spider-Verse role as 'disability erasure'" - First off this wouldn't be the first time that this has happened with Marvel movies vs. comics. Just look at Hawkeye (those that have read the comics will know what I'm talking about). At the same time this could also be seen as ageism since they are making a role vastly younger then it should be. I would actually like an older female in this role, maybe Helen Mirren. That would be cool and if you ever saw Red then you know what I'm talking about. At the same time I disagree that the internet loves Dakota Johnson. Besides the Fifty Shades of Grey her acting career has been lack luster and even in that you could question her acting abilities. There are tons of better actresses out there and their pick with her is just a bad idea in general. - https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/dakota-johnson-madame-web-spider-verse-spider-man-blind-220815328.html

2/8/22: "Spider-Man: No Way Home and Shang-Chi Score Oscar Nominations" - https://comicbook.com/marvel/news/spider-man-no-way-home-and-shang-chi-score-oscar-nominations/?fbclid=IwAR1p8zm6ZfUQzFWtvUx3GIMODMf3Q3ihYKCT5hXyXKzyP4h2sdx0cBDnTPw

2/17/22: "Pro Gamer Fired After Saying Short Men 'Don't Have Human Rights'"- https://kotaku.com/tekken-esports-pro-gamer-japan-osaka-stream-red-bull-al-1848553238

2/24/22: "Lord of the Rings: Debunking the Backlash Against Non-White Actors in Amazon's Adaption"- https://getpocket.com/explore/item/lord-of-the-rings-debunking-the-backlash-against-non-white-actors-in-amazon-s-new-adaption?utm_source=pocket-newtab
