Colorado Festival of Horror 2021: Interviews

Hi Everyone,

Check out my interviews from the Colorado Festival of Horror. Warning: Some have adult subject matter/language in them so I recommend that parents watch them first before sharing with kids. At the same time I asked so questions

This was my first ever interview so I'm sorry if there is anything wrong with it.  This was an interview with Kevon Ward who you may remember from Face Off season 9 on the SyFy channel. You can find more about his credits at: .

Upload coming soon

Below is my interview of Jimmy Lee Combs. To see his credits check out: . BTW I'm slightly amused with how the video for this shows up. It froze on me laughing. There are worst positions it could have caught me in, but at least I can laugh at it.

My first interview on Sunday was with Bryan Bonner and Jack Hanley. I have been to panels with them in the past like at Star Fest. They are really knowledgeable about different subjects and other people do not like them because they use real science and many times debunk paranormal events/stories. It was interesting to find out that Jack is working on his doctorate degree in history looking at European history. 

My last interview of the con was with Xander Smith. It almost didn't happen due to scheduling issues, but I was very glad it did. Xander has worked on many large productions like Godzilla vs. Kong and American Horror Story. He also grew up going to cons in Colorado, so it was really cool to geek out with him over past cons like the first Star Wars Celebration. Sorry this interview also got cut off at the end when the recording device lost power. I will try to get the audio file up as soon as I can, but it's going to take me learning some new technology first.

For my first interviews I'm very happy with how they turned out. I'm going to try and get the video versions to upload to the YouTube channel. Thank you to Smurf and the Colorado Festival of Horror for the chance to expand what Geeked Colorado is.
