2020 Book Reviews October-December
Here are my book reviews for the last quarter of the year. Sorry that it's been awhile since the last post on the blog, but things have still been happening on the Facebook page. Life in 2020 and covid has been crazy for this geek, and I bet it's been the same for all of you out there. All the books you will find on this list are books, manga, and graphic novels that have an ISBN.
America Vol. 1: The Life and Times of America Chavez, Created By Gabby Rivera & Joe Quinones
Picture From: https://www.goodreads.com/book/photo/34380219-america-vol-1 |
picked this one up because it was on sale and I was not familiar with the
character. It was a 2nd and Charles find in their clearance section.
Even with this being volume 1 I felt lost because it seemed like there was a
lot of history with the characters that I was missing. As I progressed through
the comic some of this was cleared up, but not a lot. I liked that this comic
showed other types of relationships, but it seems that comics are still willing
to show female/female relationships instead of male/male relationships. Another
reason I picked this one up is because it was a non-white character. I’m happy
that more character’s like this are showing up and it does show that things are
starting to change more. Overall, once the storyline got going it was good and
I would be willing to read more of this series. 4 stars out of 5 or a B.
Spider-Woman Shifting Gears Vol. 1: Baby Talk, Created By Dennis Hopeless & Javier Rodriguez
Picture From: https://www.goodreads.com/book/photo/27163014-spider-woman |
made me pick this one up? The was a pregnant super hero on the cover. I feel
that when I have run into similar issues in comics it is normally a side part
of the story or not really covered and here it was front and center. The plot
of this story leaves you thinking what can happen next and then something else
crazy happens. The one thing I did not like about this comic is how anticlimactic
the baby’s daddy revel was. It was a major disappointment. At the same time, it
did also show that women have other choices out there. I guess that this does
leave it open for future craziness in the parent hood of the child which could
help keep this arc alive. I would be willing to read more of this series just
because of how they keep throwing one crazy thing after another at readers. It
keeps you on your toes. This was a 2nd and Charles clearance section
find. 4 stars out of 5 or a B+.
Voodoo Vol. 1: What Lies Beneath, Created By Ron Marz, Joshua Williamson
Picture From: https://www.goodreads.com/book/photo/13532197-voodoo-vol-1 |
was another clearance section find for me and I picked it up because I was not
familiar with Voodoo. This was a comic geared towards men. Lots of nearly nude
women, sex, and violence. At the same time, I was somewhat drawn into the story
line just because I want to see where the ‘seeing double’ goes. I think this
comic could build into more as it goes. I would be willing to read more of it
if I could get it for free or check it out from the library. I would not spend
money on it in the hopes that it would get better. 3 stars out of 5 or a C.
Chrono Crusade Vol. 7, By Daisuke Moriyama
Picture From: https://www.goodreads.com/book/photo/642465.Chrono_Crusade_Vol_7 |
have a habit of jumping in a series at random places due to what manga I can
get my hands on. This one did not really give much background info and just
throws you into a big battle. There was a little bit of character development that
would let new reads at least understand of some of the characters relate to
each other. The art work was good. I may be willing to read more of it to just
give it another chance, but only if I could do so for free. I wouldn’t waste
money on it. 2 stars out of 5 or a D.
Rey Meets BB-8, By Elizabeth Schaefer
Picture From: https://www.goodreads.com/book/photo/25319246-rey-meets-bb-8 |
was just a cute kids book that I picked up since I love Star Wars so much. I
think that this would be a great way to get a child reading after you show them
the movie. Since they already know what happens it would be easier for them to
build connections with the words that represent what they saw. 3 stars out of
five or a C.
DC Comics Wonder Woman: The Ultimate Guide to the Amazon Warrior, By Landry Q. Walker
Picture From: https://www.goodreads.com/book/photo/32018711-dc-comics-wonder-woman |
is actually a helpful guide. It breaks down all the different timelines and the
different versions of Wonder Woman. It has lots of pictures so you can see who
are the major villains in which timeline. I’m used to reboots of series and the
such, but it seems that for the DC universe this can get really confusing and
you need a guide like this just to help you keep track. This is one guide that
I will be holding onto as I read more DC to help me stay on track. This book I
actually found in the children’s section at the Jefferson County Whale of a
sale. This is a great book and other sale that helps support their libraries.
If they ever have one again I would recommend going because of all the
treasures they have. Some books, like this one, was in the wrong section just
because of its pictures so check out all sections for geeky items. 4 stars out
of 5 or a B.
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