

Right now everyone is talking about how GameStop’s stock is sky rocketing. They say it’s the little guy giving it to the big hedge funds. My question is why GameStop of all the different companies out there. To me it has seemed that GameStop was on its death spiral.  Since at least last year I started noticing that GameStops in the Denver Metro area had started to carry less and less product in their stores. A large part of this is when they stopped carrying a lot of used games for older systems. I used to love going there for PS2 games. I personally have refused to buy a new game system for years because I believe that the game companies take advantage of gamers by not making their systems back version playable. Gaming can be a very expensive hobby if you keep up with it.

This is what game stops used to look like:

Now they seem to be mostly empty.

One even recently went out of business on Arapahoe road by the Walmart. Personally I think that everyone that is jumping into this boat are going to be hurt. I wish they would have picked a better company to back. A while ago GameStop bought out ThinkGeek. ThinkGeek used to be this amazing website where you could get amazingly cool products (there were also a few physical stores). I was disappointed when this happened because the GameStop stores really didn’t start selling those amazing products in their stores. I thought that they would use the merger to help with their product, but no. Then the ThinkGeek website was shut down and the links just take you to GameStop’s site which does not have the same kind of product diversity that you used to be able to get at ThinkGeek.

How high will the stock continue to rise? No one knows. Why did they pick GameStop? Equally unknown. To be truthful I will be surprised if GameStop is still open in 5 years even with this boost. They need to change their business model and address the product they have in their stores. For now though at least some people have been able to make money off the stocks, but many more stand to be hurt by these rapid changes in a company that does not have a future.

The one thing I do like about all of this is the small traders sticking it to big business.

Picture 1 From:
Picture 2 From:

Further Info/Reading
