Extraterrestrial (2014)

movie put horror back into the alien genre and takes anal probing to a whole
new level. Yes I said it, but you should be prepared. The special effects were
well done and the interactions between the characters and the CGI aliens were
well timed. I was really entertained by the mountain pot grower, because I was
like this is what happens when the SeaQuest’s captain retires. For those who never watched SeaQuest, Michael Ironside played the second captain on the
series (and yes, aliens made an appearance there as well). I was not happy with
the ending. I will try not to give any spoilers, but it would not surprise me
if our government did things like this movie showed. The movie was filled with
people making bad decisions, but what would drive the plot if people did the
smart thing. 3 stars out of 5, because I just kept thinking ‘did you really
just do that?’. I need a stronger plot then one just driven by one bad decision
after another. It reminded me of that commercial where they actually are talking
about people making bad decisions in horror movies, like not getting in the
running car but hiding in a barn with saws and the killer in it.
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