Devils’ Line

Episodes 1-9
This was one of the series that was for free during Watchathon. I had intended to only watch 4 episodes to just get a taste of the series and do a quick review. That 4 episodes turned into 9. The series starts off with an action scene that leaves you thinking wtf, because there is no explanation as to what is happening. The main plot of the series is that a vampire cop falls for a girl after exposing a friend of hers as a vampire and murder. It seems like every episode someone is getting injured, and yet there is a lot to pull a person in. The most important part of this series is the relationship between the characters.
The physical appearance of these vampires are interesting. In a way their vampire fangs remind me of a bull dog. They have fangs on both the top and bottom. They also get bags under their eyes when they haven’t drank blood for a while. With this trait the main character’s face reminded me of L’s from Death Note. My favorite character from the series is actually a supporting character, Johannes Kleeman aka Lee. He brings some humor to a darker series.
The opening song is performed by Shota Aoi. This was not a name I was
familiar with, but I decided to look him up since I really liked the opening. He
is also a voice actor and has a large amount of professional background doing
different things in the entertainment industry. 4 stars out of 5 or a B.
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