Beyond White Space (2018)

were many times in this movie when I kept thinking, ok… when is this person
going to die. Once again a movie that just loves to kill of characters. I will
admit that I liked how they did space parasites, but didn’t really like
how they caused mental issues. They more of reminded of the scarabs from the
Mummy movie. Even though the movie itself was not very strong, it had some good special effects. How they did the main space creature was beautiful.
They paid attention to shadow/shading on it and when it destroyed ships it
reminded me of a sea creature shredding prey. This was another movie that left
a lot of unanswered questions, which is something that I really don’t like.
Spoiler ahead, there was all of this build up as to one of the characters
trying to get into white space to see if it could cure her. Then when she does
make it, and after all of the death it took to get her there, we never find out
if it actually did anything or not to help her. A very poor ending. 3 stars out
of 5 or a C. It only got that high of a score due to the great special effects
and nothing else.

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