Deadly Class: Killer Set (Free Comic Book Day 2019)

FCBD 2019 Deadly Class Killer Set
Back in 2019 on free comic book day I picked up this book because of all of the talk that was happening about Deadly Class. Then last fall/winter I watched the series. Each episode was like a train wreck and not in a good away. I kept watching it hoping it would get good, but kept getting disappointed. The series focuses on a lot of violence without any real point except of violence in itself. This comic was basically the same. The only thing I can really say is that the visual appearance of the characters from the comics was carried over into the T.V. series. The line art was done in a very chunky style that made everything too dark. Even though bright colors were used the line art masked most of it. It was interesting to get a bit more of the Russian’s story, but I would never actively pick up or seek out anything Deadly Class. 1 star out of 5 or a F.
