Star Trek The Next Generation: Mirror Broken (2017)
comic was broken into 4 sections to give you a taste of what is coming out. The
first story I really did not like. It was a much darker take on the Star Trek
universe and the color of it was set up much like the movie Sin City. For those
not familiar with the movie it was done in black and white (with a greys mixed
in) with special items in color to bring the eye’s attention to them. It also
used the same colors to highlight the scenes, specifically reds and yellows.
The second story was too short to get anything from it. I will say though that
the artist did a good job of making Kirk look like Chris Pine. The third story
was weird because it was a mash up of Star Trek and Green Lantern. I would
never have thought of mixing superhero with sci-fi. I would not spend money to
read this mashup, but if I found it at the public library I would pick it up to
read. The final story has a giant cube which in the Star Trek world makes you
think of the Borg, but it’s too smooth to be of their build. This one also has
Jordy La Forge as captain. I will admit that I like how diverse Star Trek has
always been. This one I wished was slightly longer since the smooth cube was
intriguing. Since the first story was the longest and worst of the lot I cannot
rate this comic very high. 2 stars out of 5 or a D.
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