Descendants (2017)

I didn’t even remember getting this comic until I found it in one of my boxes the other day. Just a few months ago I got to see the 2nd Descendants movie. It made me look up the other 2 movies. I will fully admit that the Descendants movies are now a guilty pleasure of mine. Even though Mal is supposed to be the main character I actually like Evie or Uma better.

Anyway, let’s get back to the comic. This was a Free Comic Book Day Comic presented by Tokyopop. Some comic readers may not be familiar them since they are mostly known for producing manga. The style of this comic is very much a manga style, but unlike most manga it was done in color. Most of the characters look spot on, but for some reason Jay looks off. It was nice that the plot covered the characters before they left the island. Over all it was a good comic and I think that I would read more of them if the story line goes past what was covered in the movies or additional side stories. 5 stars out of 5 or an A.

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