2019 American Graphic Novel Reviews
Here is a review of American graphic novels from 2019 that did not
get their own post. It will also only cover up through December since December
got its own post. In order to be considered a graphic novel for this blog
instead of a comic book, it must have an ISBN. Many sites including GoodReads
uses this to distinguish between the two. All of these graphic novels I checked out from the Aurora Public Library.
3 stars out of 5 or a C.
I love Rocket and this one really pulled on my heart strings.
4 stars out of 5 or a B.
All-New X-Men, Vol. 2: Here to Stay
2 stars out of 5 or a D.
I found this one amusing just because we got to see Deadpool being
a thorn in Thanos’s side.
4 stars out of 5 or a B.
2 stars out of 5 or a D.

Infamous Iron Man, Volume 1: Infamous
2 stars out of 5 or a D.
Infamous Iron Man, Volume 2: The Absolution of Doom
2 stars out of 5 or a D.
This graphic novel I found very confusing. It did a lot of jumping
around between different Spidermans’ stories in the Spiderverse which lead to
this. It was a blending of too many different storylines.
2 stars out of 5 or a D.
For personal reasons I love the concept of an
anthropologist/archeologist in the Star Wars universe. It could have been presented
better, but I have hopes for this series.
3 stars out of 5 or a C+.
Picture from: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32941139-star-wars
Steam Wars, Volume 1
2 stars out of 5 or a D.
3 stars out of 5 or a C.
After watching The Walking Dead for years on T.V. I finally got around to reading one of the comics and it did not disappoint. The only reason why I couldn’t give it a perfect score of 5 stars is just because it moved a little slower than I would have liked. More than likely this bias comes from me having watched the show first. Still very good and highly recommended.
4 stars out of 5.
Vol. 3: 3 stars out of 5 or a C.
Vol. 4: 4 stars out of 5 or a B.
Vol. 5: 3 stars out of 5 or a C.
Vol. 6: 3 stars out of 5 or a C.
Vol. 8: 4 stars out of 5 or a B.

This comic has a lot of potential. I
will be interested in seeing where the story line goes. The line art for this
comic is beautiful, but the coloring is horrible. Many times it subtracted from
the gorgeous drawings. Like the liked to say on Face/Off, the colors were
muddy. I understand what they were going for, a dark comic, but the coloring
was way too distracting for me. That was why I couldn’t give it 5 stars out of
5. I hope there is improvement in the next volume. 4 stars out of 5 or a B.
again the coloring on this comic was very muddy. It takes away from the
beautiful art work. This comic really needs a new colorist. The story line on
this volume also seemed a little slow and did not seem to cover as much as the
first volume did. I still like this comic overall, just wish they would improve
the coloring.
So these two are slightly different since they were originally
printed as comic strips, but I found them in book form.
Roger Dahl's Comic Japan: Best of Zero Gravity Cartoons from The
Japan Times-The Lighter Side of Tokyo Life
I found this book very interesting. The slice of life from a different perspective (international) was an interesting look int Japanese culture. It did a very good job humanizing culture shock and adaptation. Most of the jokes people wouldn't understand if they don't know anything about Japanese culture. I would highly recommend this book to any Otaku. This book I got access to through the digital library at Community College of Aurora.
I found this book very interesting. The slice of life from a different perspective (international) was an interesting look int Japanese culture. It did a very good job humanizing culture shock and adaptation. Most of the jokes people wouldn't understand if they don't know anything about Japanese culture. I would highly recommend this book to any Otaku. This book I got access to through the digital library at Community College of Aurora.
5 stars out of 5 or A+.
This one I found through the Aurora Public Library.
4 stars out of 5 or a B.
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