The Dead Don't Die (2019)

……..So……. this was not the movie I was expecting. From the
previews I was expecting something like Shaun of the Dead, but it was not. I
had high hopes for it based on the casting, but even the actors could not save
this script. Most of the movie moved very … very slowly and there were even
stupid references to it being a movie through the theme song. Even the theme
song was horrible. Spoiler ….. ALIENS …. really … you just had to through that
in as well…. I at least liked the concept about what caused the zombie outbreak.
Science and greed running amok in a new way. I would only recommend this movie
if you can see it for free and there is absolutely nothing else on you could
watch. I only give this a 2 stars out of five or a D….you may want to also read
some comics while you watch it….
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