Sorry that this review has taken so long to come out. I haven’t been to a movie with a group of people in a long time and seeing Avengers with a group of friends was great. Before the movie started the theater (AMC Arapahoe Crossing 16) had some free posters they were giving out. They also had metal popcorn buckets (12ish bucks a pop) for the movie as well. I will try not to give out any spoilers for people that have not seen it yet, sorry if anything slips. The movie basically boils down to not everyone being dead, but we still lost a few loved characters. As long as you have seen the other avengers movies you will understand what is going on in this one. At the same time if you have not seen all the other Marvel movies you would miss all the small details that were put in. One example of this is a touching seen between War Machine and Nebula that you would only understand if you knew each of the characters’ back stories. The only real negative thing I have to say about this movie is the ongoing jokes about Thor…. They were funny at first, but got real old really fast. Overall, I’d give it 5 out of 5 stars. Not a bad way to end…

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